The Classic Brunette

The Hair Bros

The Classic Brunette


In 1953 a film hit cinemas called "gentlemen prefer blondes”. It didn’t get good reviews, and we like to think that reason was not down to the terrible acting, but the idea that there's nothing more classic—or versatile—than a beautiful brunette. If the current jumper weather finds you pouring over pictures of Hollywood's favorite brunettes for inspiration, be reminded that for all the attention blonde bombshells are afforded, dark hair owes it's timeless appeal to the shade's spectacular range. Penélope Cruz, Cindy Crawford, Lisa Bonet, Sophia Loren, Nina Simone, Jane Birkin, Elizabteh Taylor - the list goes on. Whether you prefer a tonal autumnal brown or a dark and mysterious midnight tone, the subtle variations of the classic brunette ensures it is a colour that will never fail to go out of fashion (or turn heads!)

Colour Services to consider booking for The Classic Brunette:

-All over Tint

-Toner/or Gloss

View our other colours


New Tones


Burnt Sienna