Gradual Grey

The Hair Bros

Grey is the new black, although sometimes in it's stages of growing out it doesn't always feel like it!

As liberating as it can be letting your natural greys grow through, it can often feel like a slightly intimidating process.

The days of the divide between the striking contrast of regrowth and the blunt line of the colour before are slowly moving on.

Gradual grey is as what the name suggests. It’s the negotiator of the natural colours, the troubleshooter of tones.

It’s idea is to help the transition between the changes of colour to feel cool, a look with purpose.

And for those who have already made the jump in lockdown... It doubles up as a no colour service but a true grey treatment- removing yellow or Brassy Tones to mimic the natural hues of grey hair.

Going grey gracefully - gradual grey.

Colour Services to consider booking for Gradual Grey:

-Free Hand Painting

-Face Framing Balayage

-Fashion Toner

-Fashion Gloss

View our our other colours


Natural Touches